On the Trails - New Spring New Trails
A Walk on the Trails
New Spring New Trails
When I follow a new trail, each tree, each array of plants, the nature and wildlife, feels refreshing and exciting like an outdoor explorer going to unknown places searching for and discovering something new that no one has ever seen before.
Each trail has a new sights, sounds, and brings new feelings to enjoy and be happy.
Each butterfly, bee, frog, a four-legged animal or any wildlife can capture your curiosity…when you let it. It’s not just another bug, just another frog, or just another bird. Discover how it behaves or how it sounds.
Each tree or plant that is currently living plays a huge part of living on the Earth today. Take a closer look at the leaves. Notice where it is growing. Think about how and why it likes living where it is. Sunny, shade, wet soil, sandy soil.
Always respect, take care, and be honored.
A Beautiful Bird Grasshopper!
Is this a “Leather Colored Bird Grasshopper”? Can you help identify this grasshopper? This grasshopper is big about three inches long and does fly. Wow!
The Obscure Bird Grasshopper!
This huge bird grasshopper hung on my garden ornament for a few hours. It was about four inches long. Then it flew across the garden onto a nearby tree. Nature’s amazing creature!
Cherish the life of the living things.
Adore and admire all the sights, sounds, and scents.
Treasure with all your heart.
Feel the esteem of being honored to be a part of it.
Enjoy it! Savor the moments!
But you don't need to explore the outdoors to value and respect what is around us.
You don't need walk the trails to feel the excitement and accomplishment of what you find.
You don't need hundreds of trails or miles of trees and plants to be amazed and to feel the wildness of adventure and freedom.
What the adventure really is … discovering the new and the feeling of the stimulation of the senses.
You can accomplish all these things right in your own backyard and in your own hometown.
You can see and feel all these wonderful things with your family, your pet, your friends, and whatever you bring into your life …everyday!
You never know what you may discover in nature and….in yourself.