Something to Think About

Ten Things to Practice

Every Day

Ten things to practice every day to help your mind to concentrate, improve thoughts, and to reduce stress.


Ten things to practice every day to help your mind to concentrate, improve thoughts, and to reduce stress.


1. Set one most important thing to accomplish for the day.

Morning Glory


2. Take a walk every day. Exercise. Walking and exercising helps with troubled thoughts and get those troubled thoughts out of your system.

Old Broken Fence


3. Focus on the moment. Stop worrying about things of the past or the future. Just focus and think of now, today. Eliminate distractions or zone them out while focusing on something.

Air Potato Vine and the Air Potato Beetle


4. Reduce multitasking. We only have two arms, two legs, two ears, two eyes. Why be like an octopus and juggle more than we can handle effectively?

Inch Plant


5. Listen to music. Music is one thing that will calm the mind, body, and soul.

Bronze Frog


6. Pay attention to what you eat. Think of the quality of the nutrition you are eating.

Blue Lake String Bean


7. Get more rest and sleep. It's okay to take a rest, even if you don't fall asleep. Close your eyes and rest your mind and body. Train your mind to think of only pleasant thoughts while resting.

Clouds in the Sky


8. Find humor every day. Don't take things so seriously, ease up and try to laugh. Smiling helps, just smile every day. It's better to have smile wrinkles than frown wrinkles.

Red Begonia Flowers


9. Practice mindfulness. Relax the body and mind. Be aware of what you are sensing and feeling without interpretation or judgement. Observe your thoughts and behaviors.

Palmetto Fronds

10. Connect with nature. I can't stress this enough. Nature truly does have all the answers. Connect with nature and you'll find the answers.

Nature Trail



Please visit the Pursuit of the website for more helpful tips.


Vegetable Garden - Peppers


Drinks - Frozen Orange Mango