Story Sketches
Pursuit of the Hammock
In the Darkness
Published 12/6/2023
In the Darkness
Bits of light, glowing here and there.
Small signs of life, signs that there is living.
Signs of hope, small bits of encouragement.
It’s okay, there is darkness but not doom.
It is not the end. It is not over.
There is still more, there is something.
Something else, something more.
There is silence, no wind, no whispers.
No shhs or no hushes, nothing.
It’s okay, there is silence but not doom.
It’s not the end. It is not over.
There is still more, there is something.
Something else, something more.
The sound of the heartbeat, the quiet sound of inhaling and exhaling.
The musical sounds in the thoughts.
The melody, the tone, the gentleness of the notes.
There is still more, there is something else, something more.
The time and space between the inhale and exhale.
The time and space between each blink.
The time and space between one thought to the next.
All space and time stop, there is the blackness, the blankness.
No breath, no sight, no thought.
Just silence, just blackness, not of matter.
That is the moment where there is no existence.
But we come back.
Every time with a breath, with a blink, with a thought.
The moment of darkness is gone.
And will come and be gone again after.
Each breath, each blink, each thought.
But we come back. We come back.
Take that moment out of the darkness to start afresh, anew, again.
There is another moment, another space, another time.
For again. For anew. For another chance. For you.
This small light, this small view of the blackness.
The melody of sound in the thoughts.
Then, such a small place, a small quiet place in something.
What do you call this place?
The place between each breath inhale and exhale.
The place between each blink.
The place between each thought, each musical note.
What is this place?
The place of the Divine, the place of no existence.
Maybe it’s the place of Love, the place of Love.
There is no darkness, when there is no existence.
How can it be dark where there is no existence?
But you know it’s there, when you are there, there is nothing.
You’ve come back from it. Outside of it.
Out of that nothing, out of that darkness, out of that Love.
Don’t be afraid of the darkness, of the silence.
It’s a place of Love and it’s okay.
It’s okay, it’s not a place of doom, it’s not the End.
But a chance to come back.
Anew, afresh, another chance. To Be.
To be you, another chance, once again.
Again and again.
The place of Love.
Gave us a chance to renew, to relove, to retry again.
To Be. To Be again.
So that small flicker, the small glowing light.
The sound of the inhale and exhale.
Means you came back from Love.
The place of darkness, the place of no sound.
The place of nothing, of no existence.
And that small light, that breath.
You are back!
Be free, to be free, to be fresh again.
To try again, to listen again.
Find that melody, find that shimmer of light.
Find that life again.
Listen to that inhale, that exhale.
Listen to that melody in your thoughts.
See that glowing light.
Make it bigger, better, more beautiful.
Make it happen.
The darkness is Love. Bring the Love in the light.
Bring Love in the melody. Bring Love in each breath.
You have that chance.
You have “that is” again, that being.
That existence again. You exist.
You exist, you are, you can.
Love is here in Darkness and in Light.
Published 12/6/2023 Written by Marcella Melson
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