Pursuit of the Hammock

Bakery - Marcella’s Trail Cake
Marcella’s Super Easy High Protein Trail Cake

Something to Think About - When I Get There
An endeavor takes special knowledge, experience, practice and preparation for it to be a successful.

On the Trails - New Spring New Trails
When I follow a new trail…

Tropical Garden - Spring
My New Tropical Garden

Strawberry Sandwich Tarts
March is the best time to pick strawberries and blueberries here in Central Florida.

Something to Think About - Below the Horizon
Below the Horizon

On the Trails - Watching the Dirt Grow
Take a walk on the trails and take look around for inspiration and feel gladness for all the wild and beautiful living plants.

Flower Garden - Gaillardia
Easy to Grow Blanket Flowers

Wine and Wood Sorrel
Here is an easy beverage to make that is delicious, fruity, and refreshing. It's a red wine spritzer.

Something to Think About
Enjoy Nature. See its Simplicity and Understand its Complexity.

On the Trails
A Walk on the Trails in Central Florida - 1/4/2024 - A New Year

Flower Garden - Canna Lily
My Canna Lily Family
Comfort Food - Chicken and Dumplings
My Very Own Chicken and Dumplings Recipe

Flower Garden - Asters
Natures Flower Garden - Asters

Something to Think About
The Moonlight Sky

Treats - Dog Biscuits
One Year with Daisy!

A Butterfly Haven
Goodbye! Beautiful Butterfly!
Comfort Food - Alfredo Sauce
Super Easy Alfredo Sauce with Spinach and Tomato

On the Trails
A Walk on the Trails of Central Florida - 9/28/2023 - Good Things Will Happen

Flower Garden - Ginger Lily
Ginger Lily’s Red Pinecones with White Flowers